In this event we will be working with the Masters of Neptune to increase the awareness of the importance and sacredness of Water as the foundation for physical life. We will be guided by powerful Divine Masculine Masters such as Neptune, Poseidon and Triton in perfect balance with Pearl – Queen of the Oceans – and her court, who personify the Divine Feminine essence of Water.
In this work we will also connect deeply with the amazing and wise Merpeople – Guardians of the Sea. You will reactivate your own deep connection to them from previous lifetimes, and in co-creation with them we will do some very high level and much needed service work for all the Oceans of our planet, and in extension for everyone and everything existing on Earth as we are all connected as One Water.
On this powerful 7.7.7 gateway we will assist in the opening of a huge portal between Earth and Neptune – the watery planet of sacred wisdom, ascension and the Age of Aquarius! Through this portal, so many keys and codes will flood back into the Oceans of the Earth. They have been kept within the flowing waters of ascended Neptune since the Fall of Atlantis, and the time has finally come for them to be returned to Earth!
In this workshop you will:
· be working with the element of Water, its codes, keys and wisdom.
· reconnect with the beloved Merpeople and amongst others Masters Neptune, Triton and the Neptunian Goddess Pearl.
· learn about the master energies of Singularity and the Christ Light and how to work with them, activate them and send them out into the Oceans of the Earth.
· visit the Temple of the Sea (Temple of Neptune) of Golden Atlantis and retrieve important keys and codes for your mission ahead.
· Service work! During this event you will take part in some very powerful service work for all of planet Earth.
This workshop will be done LIVE via Zoom, and a link to the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!