

I work as a Clairvoyant Healer, Soul Mentor, Past Life Healer, Medium and Animal Healer. It is possible to have your sessions online as well as at the treatment space at my home.

Here are the sessions I offer:

Clairvoyant Healing

How is it going in your life right now? Is there progress, flow and harmony in a way that feels right for you? Or do you experience that challenges repeat themselves and you have difficulties with how to deal with them? Or maybe you experience stuck or stagnant energy in your physical body or your chakras? Then Clairvoyant Healing might be for you.


We are so much more than our physical body. We have 4 body’s: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual body (the aura). We have 12 chakras that govern and regulate specific parts of our physical and emotional existence. We can have a free and beautiful flow of energy here, or there might be imbalances and stagnations that affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually.


In a Clairvoyant Healing, I connect with Guides and Angels that come to assist you in your healing. I channel their messages and healing and work on clearing and healing your chakras, physical and emotional bodies in a way that is to your highest best.

01 Clairvoyant Healing

During the session

People very often come with a specific intention; something they would like to work on, or get some support with in their healing process. I begin by tuning in to your now/here situation, and then we focus on the challenges that you wish to work on. During the session, you lay down fully clothed either in the treatment space at my home, or you sit or lay down at your home.

I connect to your Guides for the session, tune in to and read, heal and clear your 12 chakras, and tune into and send healing to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, where it is needed. I work with the Golden Ray of Christ, the Christed Mahatma energy and various healing energies.


During the session I channel support from your Guides and the Angels. The whole session is done under protection from Archangel Michael. At the end, we focus on the central messages from the session and possible future work for you to do to enhance your Spiritual Development.

Practical info

You can have a session in the treatment space at my home and it is as equally strong and powerful to receive your session online via zoom. It takes approx. 60 min.


600 DKK (Approx. 70GBP/ 80EUR)


To book, please contact me here.

Clairvoyant Counselling

We don’t exist alone; we are at all times surrounded by Spiritual Guides, Angels and other Light Beings. As humans we are often limited by our mental and logical abilities and human perception in our everyday life. We might therefore find ourselves in situations where it can be difficult to navigate or sense what is the right approach for us in order to move forward. Here the Angels and Spiritual Guides can play an important role since they can see you and your life circumstances from a higher perspective.


They know you at a Soul level, they have insight into your past and present. They know your qualities, your abilities and your challenges, and they can be a strong guiding team in your path ahead.

02 Clairvoyant Counselling

During the session

I begin each session by tuning in to the Guides that wish to support you at this time. It might be an Archangel, Ascended Master, Goddess or other Spiritual Guide. It might be a familiar energy or a new acquaintance. Before the session, I channel an initial message for you and during the session we go into a dialog with the Guides about the questions you might have relating to your current life situation, your lifepath and intentions for the next steps on your journey.


Every session is done under the highest amount of protection and you will only be visited by the Guides that it is for your highest best to receive help from now. At the end, we focus on the central messages from the session and possible future work for you to do to enhance your Spiritual Development.

Practical info

You can have a session at the treatment space in my home and it is as equally strong and powerful to receive your session online via zoom. It takes approx. 60 min.


600 DKK (Approx. 70GBP/ 80EUR)


To book, please contact me here.

Past Life Regression and Healing

We have all had previous lives, both on Earth and often also at other places, planets and galaxies. Some lives have been very well functioning and we might have lived full lives – others might have been more challenging and we might have experienced a feeling of being less. All of these experiences are stored in the Akashic records, and together we revisit them in these sessions. This gives you the possibility to identify, clear and heal old patterns. To release Soul gifts and qualities and to be more whole in your present life.

If it is a successful life we revisit, the purpose might be to see and recognise these energies and powers in you. If it is a less successful life, we might be able to heal it and lead it to a more complete ending. In both occasions we can transfer some of these abilities to your current life, and thus make it more whole. This is called Soul Mending.

03 Past Life Regression and Healing

During the session

Before the session I call in the Angels who will be guiding the session. Archangel Metatron always leads the way to the life that will be most beneficial for you to revisit – and Archangel Michael provides the protection. Other Angels very often join as well.


During the session you will be aware of the whole journey and many people ‘see and sense’ their previous life quite vividly. The healing and the realisations will come through while you play an active part in the regression.

At the end, we focus on the central messages from the session and the significance of the previous life for your current lifetime.

Practical info

You can have a session at the treatment space in my home and it is as equally strong and powerful to receive your session online via zoom. It takes between 75 and 90 min.


800 DKK (Approx. 90GBP/  110EUR


To book, please contact me here.

Crystalline Starline Mediumship

Crystalline Starline Mediumship is a method to connect to Deceased Souls. You might have had somebody in your life that you wish to reconnect to, or a feeling that a Soul wants to come through with a message for you.

Deceased Souls are very often busy on their own Soul path – preparing for their next incarnation or doing various Soul work. You will be able to ask personal questions regarding your connection to the deceased as well as questions about the Souls current beingness in the Cosmos.

04 Crystalline Starline Mediumship


During the session

In these sessions I work with the Angels and especially Archangel Metatron to secure the connection to the Soul and Archangel Michael to ensure the protection. Before the session I channel messages from the Deceased Soul to you, and during the session there will both be personal messages to you from the Angels and from the Deceased Soul.

Before the session it is a good idea to prepare any questions you may have so you are sure to get maximum benefit from our time together and all the answers you need. There might be some healing aspects in these sessions - especially if this is a Soul you have had an connection to.

Practical info

You can have a session at the treatment space at my home and it is as equally strong and powerful to receive your session online via zoom. It takes approx. 60 min.


600 DKK (Approx. 70GBP/ 80EUR)


To book, please contact me here.

Animal Healing for Horses and Dogs

I am a self taught animal reader and healer. I started training on my friends’ horses and immediately had a connection and later the connection with dogs developed. Horses and dogs have as we humans do, a Soul, Chakras, and a 4-Body System. They have had previous lifetimes which can play an essential part in their everyday life and behaviour.


I use a combination with elements of Clairvoyant Healing and some times a little bit of Past Life Regression while working with animals. I tune into their Guides and Angels for help and the whole session is done under protection from Archangel Michael.

Preparing for the session

Before the session, I need to hear some information about the situation your horse or dog is in, and the reasons why you wish me to help them and any questions you have for your horse or dog.

05 Animal Healing for Horses and Dogs

During the session

All animal sessions are done as remote readings where the animal stays at home and I tune into it from my place. The horse or dog needs to be in a peaceful situation in homely surroundings. The horses can be in a stable, or on a field, and the dog at home.


I begin by connecting to the horse or dogs Guides for the session and tune into any initial messages. I then tune into the horse or dogs now/here situation and focus on answers and healing the issues with it. I work with healing the 12 chakras, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body’s where it is needed. I work with the Golden Ray of Christ, the Christed Mahatma energy and various healing energies. There can also be channeled information about, how you can continue your work with the horse or dog afterwards.

Practical info

The session takes approx. 60 min. After the session I call you back with feedback. This can be done via zoom or the phone (Denmark). 


600 DKK (Approx. 70GBP/ 80EUR)


To book, please contact me here.