We will first meet Jesus the Essene in Jerusalem, then the Norse God Balder at the Kings Mounds in Uppsala, after that Master Sananda at Glastonbury, (Gaia’s Heart Chakra) and lastly Lord Maitreya out in the Universal planes. Each visit will enable us to carry another level of Christ Light in our 4-body-system, and bringing it forth into our everyday lives. And thus, becoming carriers of the Christ Light ourselves.
When more and more people embody the Christ Light – truly embody it – they will carry it in their day-to-day life and send it out all around them, creating a ripple effect on society. This will have a deep healing and transformative impact on us all and our physical surroundings.
By the end of the workshop, we will be sending the Golden Christ Light into the Heart of Gaia and out into the collective as service work. This will create a golden threshold for the future.
In this workshop you will:
· Meet and connect with the 4 master carriers of the Christ Light: Jesus, Balder, Master Sananda and Lord Maitreya
· Access the Christ Light at 4 levels of consciousness
· Receive and integrate the Christ Light into your 4-body system, all the way down to a cellular level
· Become a living carrier of the Christ Light
· As service work send the Golden Christ Light into the Heart of Gaia and out into the collective
This workshop will be done LIVE via Zoom, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!