Year 2023
Archangel Gaia, Melchizedek, Ganesh, Venus and Orion about 2023
Channelled by Pernille Eisenhardt
Pernille: What should we expect from this coming year?
A lot! A lot is going on, and there is a lot of possibilities in the air. The air is flowing with change and the opportunities for growth for humanity. Large growth. Inner growth and outer growths. Growth of self and communities. Growth of countries and society as a whole. As One.
The numbers are with you, and change is in the air. Change for the better, change for all, change for the highest good of the people and the planet.
This is a 7 year, and 7 is a lucky number. 7 is the number of miracles and charm. Everything can happen in a 7 year. So the energies are filled with the potential for manifestation. But be aware of, what you are sending out. Both your positive thought and your negative thought can land in a fruitful ground in a 7 year. So be wary about what you construct, how you manifest, and how well it serves you. If it doesn’t feel right, go inside and change your thoughts and inner constructions and try again.
This is a year of the wagon. Of movement, of promises. If things have been feeling stuck last year, this is a time to get them rolling again.
A lot of you experiences 2022 as a tough year, and yes it had many tough lessons, but it was also a good year. A lot of you had the mirror hold up to you, and a lot of growth has come from that. Inner growth. And that means that you are now much more capable of creating a future environment for yourself, where you will thrive. Facing yourself in the mirror, has for a lot of you also meant to let go of some old stuff. Things and aspects of you, that you had outgrown. Which make you a much more mature person and wiser today.
So from this point on you are meeting the fertile soils of 2023. Be aware of all the lessons you had in 2022. And don’t go backwards. Your inner compass has been fine-tuned after last year, and you now have a much sharper bull-shit detector. Both with others – and with yourself. Keep clearing up on the inside, and be open to gifts from the outside.
Manifest from a point of the heart and not a point of the ego. Always take into consideration, what is to the highest best of the collective. And only send out, what you would you like to meet from others in return. See them as mirrors of you – other aspects of God.
The wagon holds a promise of speed. Of fast going movements. Remember that sometimes it is important to travel at light speed and other times at a slow pace. Keep this year balanced, and you will get the most of it.
The finances. Last year was in a bit of a turmoil and a chock for many people all around the globe. This year is going to get a little bit better – but not a lot.
The rent is still in flux. It can go up - it can go down, and it won’t be steady. So there will be a lot of stress in the collective regarding the rent and the development of the rent – and this will impact the rent. So if you wish to help the collective and aid this process, send soothing and calming energy to the rent. And that will have an effect too.
The energy marked is in for a great change. It will really take off in 2023 and skyrocket all the way to 2030. The green energy options are really beginning to step into to marked. And they will in the next 5-7 year more and more take over the marked. When we come to 2032 and you look back, fossil fuel will seem ancient. And this really begins to take of now!
The stock markets are in it for a fall this year. Yes there will be ups and there will be downs, but in general this will not be a good year to invest. Unless you do it with your heart. Heart based firms and firms based on the right value for the collective, will begin to thrive much more. It is a slow turning point, because they will also be influenced by the more unstable energies here in general. But slowly they will separate them self’s, and begin to work on another bandwidth or frequency. And they will attract support from other people on the same frequency.
Groceries and every day supply are still climbing up. They may also go a bit down, or at least land on a bit more steady level. So be reasonable with your finances and a bit more conservative. Save up and make sure you have money in your pocket for the end of the month – because there is so much flux in the collective economical field.
Take care of yourself. You only have this one body, and in 2023 it is time to step into mastery regarding your body, and your bodies needs. How is it going with your body? Are you thriving in all areas, or should you begin to look a little bit more after yourself?
Talk to your body and ask it for advice, in regard to how it wish to be treated. And then act on it. Change is in the air – and it is also regarding your body. Thank it in the morning for being your vessel. For containing you in this lifetime. Let it know and feel how you appreciate it, and begin to take really good care of it.
A lot of you, are in it for the long run. You are going to have long life’s, and your actions now determine how long – and how well! So treat your body with the outmost love and respect – and listen to, what it wants.
Self-love is one of the finest forms of love. And love for your own body is a vital step in that process.
Your home is important too. Your home is the Sanctuary for your body. Keep it refreshed, keep it protected. Cherish it and fill it with soothing energies and love for the ones living there. Let the plants and crystals in, and the stones and the animals. Let the lifeforce flow freely in your home. Enjoy and embrace your home. Be thankful. And your home will be the foundation for the existence, that you deserve.
Many of you don’t have a home, or have fled your old ones. So the ones with homes will to a much larger extent open the doors for the ones without in this coming year. You might also support the homeless and refuges in new creative ways. The communities and the collective will to a much larger extent step in to support those without.
The collective field is starting to change this year. There will be so much more focus on US, as a whole, as a collective – instead of us and them. The very polarised energies of last year are fuming of – slowly. And especially the young people are driving the US-movement. They have a much stronger feeling of being part of a collective, part of a whole. Those of them, that aren’t a sleep or sedated.
The ones, that are awake, have had it. Really had it. They feel very deeply, that the planet and the future of the planet belongs to them. And they don’t think that the elder generations have done a very impressive job. So they have had it. And you might recognise this from the environmental area – but it spreads out into many other areas as well. And there will begin to come more focus on this in the coming year – and much more in the years to come.
The young people will stand up, they will start to organise and the will join forces all across the planet. And they are in it for a change - a big change.
The best, the rest can do, is to start to listen. Listen with your heart and begin to adapt. You all knew this was coming, but not when. And now it is at your doorstep. So open the door and let it in.
Some of you might join there movement or support them. And they can really use that. Support from the more elder and wiser members of the collective. But don’t think that you know best – because you don’t. Listen to the Youth.
This is also a year for the environment. To walk the talk – and take on the actions that you know is needed for me, for the environment, and for the future people on Earth. Take the steps, you know are important - and then some more. You all have to do it, and you have to do it NOW.
Gaia, Melchizedek, Ganesh, Venus and Orion
This is a year of change and possibilities. A year of the wagon. It might go very fast, but know you are in the driver seat ,and you can change the pace. Remember to take breaks during the year. Remember to check into your heart. Let all of your thoughts, words and actions be heart based and you will get to where your Soul desires.
You are here to do a Soul job, alongside all the other Souls. Be grateful, be loving and be aware of what serves the collective – and you can have a magnificent, fast-moving and changeable year.
In love and reverence
Gaia, Melchizedek, Ganesh, Venus and Orion